The Spirit of Community:
Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

- Darren Green, CSO of LA TourismOne of Los Angeles’ greatest strengths is the diversity of our community.
Engaging the Talent of the Future
Authentic to the core, our community is our city’s story and soul. And the essence of our destination, ‘Everyone is Welcome,’ extends beyond the invitation to a diverse, world-class experience. In Los Angeles, that welcome is our substance. Our spirit. A turning point for many. That welcome can be life-changing – even at a meeting or convention.
LA’s inherence of diversity, equity and inclusion are deep-seated in our business events industry. LA Tourism partners with the city’s organizations on corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives that continue to bring DEI values to the forefront of representation.
The Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC) Career Academy — created by the City Tourism Department and in a unique partnership with LA Tourism and LACC — gives students in historically underserved areas of LA the opportunity to visit the Convention Center during a convention or event and engage with national and global leaders working in various industries.
Imagine representatives from your association, corporate group or organization coming to LA and doing something tangible, meaningful and impactful on the lives of others.
These initiatives are brought to life by the dynamism of our city and the heart of our people. We welcome you to come to experience them.
LA Tourism’s CSR Initiatives in Action
Your attendees can dream, create and thrive while they’re here. They can look forward, and they can give back. See more about how our community leans into opportunities and invests in the lives of others through meaningful team-building experiences and custom volunteering programs. These rippled efforts create impacts that resonate long after your group’s time spent here.

Accessibility Services at LAX, Metro, and LA’s Attractions & Venues
Inclusive meetings are accessible meetings. Read on for our guide to accessibility services at LAX, Metro and attractions and venues across the city.
LA Organizations Serving Your Meeting:
ACCE Institute
The Anti-Recidivism Coalition
APA California Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Programs
Black Women for Wellness
Blacks In Tech Los Angeles (BIT-LA)
California Diversity Council
The California Black Census and Redistricting Hub
Children's Defense Fund - CA
Community Asset Development Re-Defining Education
Community Coalition
Dignity and Power Now
The Greenlining Coalition
InnerCity Struggle
Holman United Methodist Church
The Jewish Business Networking Organization
Junior League of Los Angeles
Labor Community Strategy Center
LA Department on Disability
LA Voice
LA Tech 4 Good
The Liberty Hill Foundation
Los Angeles Black Worker Center
Los Angeles Brotherhood Crusade, Inc.
Los Angeles Community Action Network
Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs
Los Angeles LGBT Center
Public Allies Los Angeles
Social Justice Learning Institute & Uplift Inglewood
The Society of Hispanic Engineers
Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education
Students Deserve
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
Urban Peace Institute
Women Who Code LA
Youth Justice Coalition

LA’s Regions: Diverse Cultures, Enclaves & More
As a leading international destination, L.A. is one of the most representative cities on the planet. Our community is an influence of culture, characterized by Angelenos who come from more than 140 different countries and speak over 220 different languages.

A Spirit of Community and a Team of Representatives
As the aspirations for deeper diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility and humanitarianism continue to spark initiatives around the world, Los Angeles has and always will strive to represent. And while the spirit and actions of L.A. predate these standards, we remain devoted to stronger community impacts and evolution as a city. Learn how our team will assist in bringing your meetings vision to life and help you and your group create a real, long-lasting influence while you meet in Los Angeles.