We Love LA
Tourism is a vitally important way to support our community as we come together to help those who have been impacted by the wildfires. On behalf of the 540,000 Angelenos working in tourism, we welcome you to visit our City of Angels. The vast majority of LA’s landmarks, attractions, restaurants, and hotels are open and safely welcoming guests. We urge visitors to be mindful of impacted areas and to travel responsibly. #WeLoveLA

- Steve AokiI am a big promoter of living life to the fullest and getting out there to experience all that the world has to offer. LA is one of those magical cities that everyone should visit. It’s beautiful, diverse and so very exciting.
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About Town
Los Angeles is home to renowned museums, unique hotels, diverse experiences and 75 miles of sunny coastline. The best way to discover LA is by exploring all of the vibrant multicultural neighborhoods.