Partner Opportunities


Mammoth Lakes Tourism is looking for discounts on lodging, restaurants, retail and attractions for weekend visitors from Mammoth.
Starting November 24 and running through April 3, Advanced Air will offer air service between Mammoth Lakes (MMH) and Burbank and Hawthorne airports. To incentive full flights out of Mammoth on Thursdays and Fridays (and returning to Mammoth Sundays and Mondays), we will be offering a flight discount these days to Mammoth locals (and all residents of Mono County) to fly to your cities. We would love to both further incentivize them to travel, as well as drive customers to your business by providing discounts for the weekend ‘Mammoth Local’ travelers once they arrive at their destination. We are looking for any promotions for hotel stays, attraction tickets, retail and restaurant offers in your area. 
Please send along any special offers that we can push out to those using the weekend air service to Dee Rojas at