DFS Group LP

DFS is the world traveler’s preferred destination for luxury shopping. We offer our customers a carefully curated selection of exceptional products from over 700 of the world’s leading brands across three pillars of luxury: Fashion, Watches, Jewelry and Accessories; Spirits, Wine, Tobacco, Food and Gifts; and Beauty, Fragrances and Well-being. From Hawaii to Hong Kong, DFS stores are located in some of the world’s most iconic destinations-each selected for its unique appeal. Our worldwide network consists of 420 duty free stores across four continents and 13 countries, including 13 international airports, 18 downtown T Galleria by DFS stores, as well as affiliate and resort locations. Please visit http://www.dfsgroup.com for more information.

8:00am - 12:00am Daily at Tom Bradley International Terminal

Accepts Credit Cards
Minority Owned
ADA Accessible
Public Space ADA Compliant
Family Friendly
Student Group Friendly
Tour Group Friendly
Self Parking