What's Your Sign? An Astrological Los Angeles Experience: Aquarius
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
There are, of course, infinite ways to explore the wonderful cosmos that is Los Angeles. From food tours to architectural journeys to those legendary “Maps of the (Movie and TV) Stars,” people have been charting their courses through our sprawling jewel of a town following the most varied interests, landmarks and stories. You could also, to paraphrase the great bohemian and jazzman Chet Baker, “get lost,” letting your feet (or your wheels, more likely) take you where they may, finding secret paths like an old-timey flâneur or flâneuse sauntering about in search of the unknown.
But you could actually split the difference between predetermined tours and rambling meanderings, and this is where Astrology (yes, Astrology) comes in handy. Whether you believe “our fate is written in the stars” or you just like to add a little pop-wisdom structure (and small talk fodder) to your decision making, check out our series of Los Angeles activities to please every sign of the Zodiac.
You can choose your own sign, take a date or a friend to the place most suitable to theirs, or get really ambitious and sample each experience on this star-struck baker’s dozen every month when the sign changes. Here at the Mystical Division of Discover Los Angeles (not an actual Division), we prophecy a stellar time will be had regardless!
Aquarius: Griffith Observatory
Space is the place for Aquarius (January 20 - February 18). These curious dreamers of the zodiac are fascinated by everything that goes beyond. Their signature landmark in Los Angeles would without a doubt be the Griffith Observatory (2800 E Observatory Rd, Los Angeles 90027), whose motto is “Southern California’s gateway to the cosmos!” The short hike up to the iconic hilltop structure visible from throughout the city will lead your imaginative Aquarius up into the scientific exhibits, spectacular views of Los Angeles, and the psychedelic glories of the Planetarium. The face James Dean makes at the Planetarium at the beginning of Rebel Without a Cause should give you a preview of how your Aquarius will feel while getting lost in the mysteries of the Great Unknown.
Aquarius: Aquarium of the Pacific
If your Aquarius is seeking a more earthly alien space, head to the Aquarium of the Pacific (100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach 90802) which opened its stunning new wing, Pacific Visions on Memorial Weekend in 2019. The 29,000-square-foot, two-story Pacific Visions houses a state-of-the-art immersive theater, expanded special exhibition and art galleries, and additional space for live animal exhibits. The architecture was inspired by forms found in nature, a design movement called biomorphism. The blue glass façade evokes the Pacific Ocean and responds to changing light and weather conditions throughout the day.
Bonus Astrological Location for All Signs: If you want to learn more (or pretty much anything) about astrological or any other mystical matter, the library of the Philosophical Research Society/University of Philosophical Research (3910 Los Feliz Blvd, Los Angeles 90027) in Los Feliz is open on Fridays and contains one of the most important collections of esoteric books in the world. Collected by Los Angeles scholar and mystic Manly P. Hall in the mid-20th century, the library contains many interesting and unusual volumes that will reveal everything you ever wanted to know about astrology (but maybe didn’t know where to ask).