Big Bus Los Angeles

Enjoy film-set scenery, iconic landmarks and celebrity-spotting opportunities in the ‘City of Angels’.
From the glamour of Hollywood to the Santa Monica Pier, you can choose where to explore. Find your favourite star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame then shop till you drop on Rodeo Drive. Cruise Sunset Boulevard through Beverly Hills and be sure to take a spin on the famous historic carousel at Santa Monica Pier. On this open-top sightseeing tour, you can hop on and hop off at any of our stops and explore even more at your own pace.
Join our Celebrity Homes Tour to see iconic sites and A-lister hotspots in and around Hollywood, and discover where the brightest stars of music, film and TV live, work and play. You'll travel like a VIP in our brand-new convertible Mercedes sprinter minibuses, complete with aircon and expert driver-guides. Keep your eyes sharp and you might even spot a few stars in their natural habitat!
9am - 6:30pm
Accepts Credit Cards
ADA Accessible
Eco Friendly
Family Friendly
Student Group Friendly
Tour Group Friendly
Regular Adult Price: 49.99
Regular Children Price: 39.99
Children Free (under): 2
Kid Friendly