TMD Hotel & Neighborhood Videos Go LIVE!

Following seven months of development, we are pleased to announce the debut of the new Tourism Marketing District (TMD) hotel videos produced with your input by the Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board.Hotel videos were developed for you to use in-room, on your website and for sales presentations and will reside on L.A.’s official visitor site, - which attracts more than 10 million visits annually. Your hotel video is housed on your individual hotel landing page and also accessible through our new video integrated map at vibrant neighborhoods were selected by TMD hotels attending the Regional meetings, and LATCB rolled its cameras across the city’s five regions to produce more than 30+ videos of Los Angeles neighborhoods showcasing their unique attributes and reasons to visit.The hotel and corresponding neighborhood videos were distributed in July to all participating hotels. If you did not receive, or did not participate, or want to request a neighborhood video near your hotel, please contact Gina Trechter at or at (213) 236-2336. Time is limited to film your hotel video, as there is a September deadline!