TMD Board Moves to Ensure Sustainability of TMD Success
As the Tourism Marketing District accelerates its marketing activities, the TMD Board of Directors is already focusing on the renewal of the TMD. Having just concluded another record-breaking year for visitors and hotel occupancy in the City of Los Angeles, the TMD Board wants to ensure that the marketing and sales momentum gained as a result of the TMD is sustained in the future. To that end, the TMD Hotel Steering Committee comprised of 28 hoteliers from all regions of LA began meeting in February 2014. As Javier Cano, Chairman of the LA Tourism Marketing District Board, explained at the Annual TMD Hotel meeting in March, the role of the TMD Hotel Steering Committee is to review the success metrics of the current TMD and shape the parameters for the TMD renewal. The Steering Committee has met monthly for the past six months to evaluate the criteria of the TMD Management Plan which will remain largely the same. Staff will be reaching out directly to ensure TMD hoteliers have a clear understanding of the renewal process. Hoteliers with questions are encouraged to contact Gina Trechter, LA TMD Project Manager, at (213) 236-2336 or