Have you scheduled your 90 second Hotel Video?

Nearly 60% of LATMD hotel videos have been completed or scheduled to date. The 90 second hotel videos showcase the distinguishing features of each LATMD hotel, from guestrooms and meeting facilities, to pools, spa amenities, and restaurants. The goal is to offer visitors an inside look into every LATMD hotel to find the perfect property to suit their needs.The videos will be viewed on LA Tourism’s website, discoverlosangeles.com which attracted 10 million viewers last year. The videos are also available for LATMD hotels to use on their websites, in-room TV’s, on sales calls or presentations at no cost. LA Tourism has partnered with City Explorer on this initiative. If you have not yet scheduled the filming of your hotel – do not miss this opportunity as the deadline is fast approaching! Sign up now with Gina Trechter, LATMD Project Manager, by calling (213) 236-2336 or by email at gtrechter@latourism.org.