A Note from TMD Chairman, Javier Cano - Winter 2020

Dear TMD Partners,I hope everyone is off to a great start so far in 2020. Although we don’t have complete lodging metrics for all of 2019 just yet, I’m pleased to share Los Angeles hotels within the Tourism Marketing District (TMD) showed strong momentum into the final months of last year. From January thru November of 2019, TMD hotels sold 9.84 million hotel room nights – an increase of 1.5% compared to the same time period in 2018. You can read more about these results in this quarter’s newsletter.We encourage you to “Save the Date” for our upcoming TMD Annual Hotel Meeting on March 25, 2020 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Additional details and location will be sent to your inboxes soon. By attending TMD meetings, you’ll learn about engaging in the sales and marketing activities and opportunities for the year ahead from Los Angeles Tourism. As these efforts and programs directly benefit your hotel, you’ll also be able to provide valuable feedback to shape future marketing plans and programs.Best wishes for every success in 2020.Regards,Javier Cano TMD Chairman