TMD Regional Meeting Recap
During the week of February 22, the TMD conducted its bi-annual 5 (five) regional meetings, providing TMD hoteliers with updates on major programming efforts.Adam Burke, President & CEO of L.A. Tourism, began the meetings by highlighting the impressive successes of our collective efforts in 2020. The team also reminded TMD hoteliers about the incredible wealth of upcoming infrastructure and new product, as well as the decade of major events.Patti MacJennett, Senior Vice President of External and Cultural Affairs at L.A. Tourism, reviewed current status of the State & County Public Health Orders and overviewed the critical role that L.A. Tourism’s Sales team and TMD hoteliers are playing in the path to recovery, which includes working closely with CalTravel; partnering with the California Hotel & Lodging Association and the Hotel Association of Los Angeles; and reactivating discussions with Public Health departments.Chelsea Benitez, Director of Tourism Insights at L.A. Tourism, provided updates on sentiment data and STR report figures, which included stats for each of the five regions. Don Skeoch, Chief Marketing Officer at L.A. Tourism, then highlighted the cadence of recovery marketing programming (see more specifics in the marketing recovery article within this newsletter).Darren Green, Senior Vice President of Sales and Services, and Bryan Churchill, Vice President of Hotel Sales at L.A Tourism, closed out the meeting with a review of 2021 Citywides on the books, LACC expansion status, feedback from the Customer Advisory Board, hotel sales key insights and a roadmap of L.A. Tourism’s focus, touching on key verticals (medical, pharma & tech), as well as SMERF and the huge potential of eSports.If you would like a copy of your region’s PowerPoint presentation or are interested in hosting a future Regional Meeting, please contact Gina Reed, TMD Project Manager, at